The New York Times
#1 Best-Selling Diet for Fast,
Safe & Long-lasting Results!
Since Dr. Mike Moreno first published The 17 Day Diet in 2010, millions of people have lost weight using his fast, safe, and extremely effective plan.More >
Dr. Mike listens to his 17 Day Dieters as carefully as he listens to his own patients, and he is always on top of the cutting-edge research in the field of weight management. He takes pride in being viewed not only as a doctor, but also as a friend and confidant.
Fast forward to 2018, Dr. Mike has created two of the most effective, best-selling diet programs that are based on the principles of his ever popular 17 Day Diet; Body Breakthrough by Dr. Mike and Accelerate 17.
The New York Times Best-Selling 17 Day Diet is a carefully balanced food and exercise plan, famously recognized across the world for helping millions of people to experience dramatic and rapid weight loss results with long term sustainability.
While many diets make claims, The 17 Day Diet is a proven plan, backed by science and more than a decade of medical research, with evidence supporting the effectiveness of it’s methodology.
And that's JUST DAY ONE of Cycle One of the 17 Day Diet…
The program consists for four (17 day) cycles.
Each cycle has a specific purpose, beginning with a body detox. Each cycle introduces new food combinations that work together to burn fat using a process called “metabolic confusion.”
Because the Diet works in cycles, it’s has built-in mechanisms for avoiding plateau in each phase to keep your metabolism in a constant state of fat-burning!
Resulting in:
It’s also worth mentioning each cycle includes unlimited amount of foods, so that you’re never left feeling hungry.
Learn more about the diet and how to adapt it into your lifestyle for transformational results!
Take your weight loss and body transformation to the nexts level - with the 17 Day Diet digital program that gets rave reviews for getting results:
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