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Summer Snap Pea Salad

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: If you’re looking for something to cool you down this Summer, then Dr. Mike’s Summer Snap Pea Salad is the perfect solution! It’s bright, crisp, crunchy and oh so refreshing. And, this salad is about as simple as it can... Continue Reading

When To Eat on the 17 Day Diet?

You are WHEN you eat. Let me explain… When I was a resident, I developed some bad eating habits, such as eating out of boxes and having lunch whenever I could grab it, like at four in the afternoon or even midnight. Now, I’ve learned... Continue Reading

4 Summer Fitness Tips: Stay Active & Have Fun!

Summer is here! We can finally catch up with family and friends, enjoy the great weather, even travel.  With so many options, it can be a tempting time of year to make unhealthy choices. But, summer fitness can actually be a whole lotta fun ! One... Continue Reading

Benefits of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Drinking water is one of the simplest and easiest ways to boost your weight loss and improve your overall health and well-being. And, I bet that right now, your body is thirsty! In fact, did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? See,... Continue Reading

20 Motivational Fitness Quotes to Keep You Going

There are two secrets to living a long-term healthy lifestyle: mindset and motivation.  These motivational fitness quotes will help you with both.   Bookmark this page, or print it out so you can have an extra boost of motivation and inspiration when you need it.... Continue Reading

5 Ways to Satisfy Your Carb Cravings

Are you a carb craver? If so, you’re not alone. Carb sensitivity and cravings are a BIG problem for a lot of people. We all crave carbs, but for many, satisfying those carb cravings means eating foods like breads, pastas, rice and potatoes. When eaten... Continue Reading

5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Metabolism

Metabolism is how your body changes the nutrients in the food and drink you consume into energy. And energy is essential for your body to function on every level. As you get older, your metabolism slows down. So, you want to do everything you can... Continue Reading

Chicken Nuggets: Crispy & Healthy

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: Chicken nuggets are one of the few dishes that just about everyone can agree on.  This is one dinner (or lunch!) that everyone in the family will enjoy. You can modify this recipe based on your preferences too.  If you... Continue Reading

Trim the Fat with Lean Proteins

Eating more lean proteins will help you trim the fat – literally. I think one of the biggest problems with living a healthy lifestyle these days is that there are so many restrictions. For many of us, our lives revolve around food. We share our... Continue Reading

Discover Your Healthy Habits Blocker

Do you know what your Healthy Habits Blocker is? It’s that one “thing” that stops you from living a long-term, healthy lifestyle. There are three main “blockers” that could be holding you back from living the life you deserve. Healthy Habits Blocker Types #1: Yourself You... Continue Reading

Berry Frozen Yogurt

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: Berry frozen yogurt is every bit as delectable as what you’d find in any ice cream or yogurt shop.  Yes, you really can eat ice cream on the 17 Day Diet! Plus, it’s the perfect summer treat! BERRY FROZEN YOGURT... Continue Reading

Get Support for Your Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know that it’s easier to stick with a weight loss plan when you have support and accountability?  It’s true and research backs it up. Studies have shown that people who started on diet programs that have a social component were far more likely... Continue Reading

Turn Errands Into Exercise

Yes, you really can turn errands into exercise! Everyone has a reason to avoid exercising. Maybe the weather puts a “rain delay” on our daily walk or run. That delay eventually becomes a “rain cancellation.” Perhaps the gym is closed. Or…you’re just too tired… Our... Continue Reading

Boost Your Focus & Memory in One Night

There is one thing you probably do every night that shuts down your ability to focus and wreaks havoc on your memory. You ever read a fact that you already “know”, presented in a new light, and have your mind just completely blown? For instance, we... Continue Reading

Journal Your Way to Healthy Habits

Journaling can make a BIG difference in helping you develop healthy habits. I share this advice all the time, because it works! If you’re wondering why the scale stopped moving or if you’ve found yourself struggling to develop and actually maintain healthier habits… Start Journaling. ... Continue Reading

Summer Roasted Shrimp & Broccoli

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: This delicious Summer Shrimp and Broccoli Recipe is low carb and great for both lunch and dinner. It’s a super quick one-pot meal that takes just 12 minutes prep time! NOTES: You can enjoy this shrimp dish on Cycles 1-4... Continue Reading

Drinking Hot Lemon Water & Weight Loss

Drinking hot lemon water every morning can help you lose more weight! It’s a quick and easy way to boost your results and has numerous other health benefits like: 1. Aids in digestion. To reap the most digestive benefits, it’s important that the lemon water is... Continue Reading

Drinking Water on the 17 Day Diet

One of the most common questions I get asked: does drinking water really help me lose weight?  If so, how much do I really have to drink? While following the 17 Day Diet, you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of pure water daily. When I... Continue Reading

Weight Loss Success – 3 Key Components

If you’re like most people, you’re here because you’ve been trying to lose weight for months…maybe even YEARS. You haven’t yet experienced “weight loss success.” But you’ve tried every diet pill, eating program, and weight loss gimmick out there and you’re tired of not getting... Continue Reading

She inspired others & lost over 12 inches too!

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The challenge provides that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need in order to fully commit and stay... Continue Reading

Pumpkin Polenta

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: Pumpkin polenta is the perfect comfort food for this time of year when we crave all things pumpkin-flavored. Polenta pairs well with just about anything so enjoy as an appetizer, side dish or even a snack.  Plus, with the added... Continue Reading

She lost 14 pounds in 17 Days!

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The challenge provides that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need in order to fully commit and stay... Continue Reading

She Lost 7.5 pounds and 4 inches in 17 Days

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The challenge provides that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need in order to fully commit and stay... Continue Reading

Accountability: the #1 Secret to Losing Weight

It keeps you on the right path… It always delivers on it’s promise… It’s the push you needed to go the extra mile… I’m talking about personal accountability. That’s because having someone to support you on your healthy lifestyle journey makes it so much easier.... Continue Reading

Why You’re Not Losing Weight

Wonder why you’re not losing weight? I read a survey recently that said that two out of five people who diet regularly quit within the first seven days. One out of five last a month, and 20% make it to the 3 month mark. Wow…... Continue Reading

Mushroom Spinach Frittata

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: This mushroom spinach frittata is a 17 Day Diet favorite. The reason – eggs are everything they are cracked up to be!  I absolutely love them in any way, shape or form.  And the best part is you can eat them... Continue Reading

Digestive Problems Solved on the 17 Day Diet

I see a lot of digestive problems in my private practice. No surprise, considering that every year approximately 70 million adults in America suffer from tummy troubles such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, and numerous other symptoms that cause discomfort or worse. This is serious... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Baked Tilapia Packets

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: These baked tilapia packets will help you kick-up your seafood repertoire. With recent attention focusing on the high containment levels of some fish, farm tilapia is a toxin-free and environmentally friendly alternative. Tilapia is a freshwater white fish with edible... Continue Reading

Curb the Carbs with the 17 Day Diet

Is it time for you to curb the carbs? Yes and no. Don’t ditch them altogether, just eat the right ones. Remember, carbohydrates are energy foods. Without them, you’ll get fuzzy headed, cranky, and very tired, and no one will want to be around you. 🙁... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Turkey Meatloaf

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: When you need some comfort food what is better than turkey meatloaf? The problem is that traditional meatloaf is loaded with fat and unnecessary calories, a dish that can really latch onto your hips and thighs. This healthy version of... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Infographic: Hunger Fullness Meter

I’m excited to share you with you the latest 17 Day Diet Infographic: the Hunger Fullness Meter. Why did I create this? Well, your parents probably drilled into you that you were not allowed to leave the table unless you finished everything on your plate.... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Yogurt Cheese Dip

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: This easy to make 17 day diet yogurt cheese dip can be enjoyed as a tangy snack with vegetables or in Cycles 2-4 as a topping for baked potatoes. It’s completely fat-free and tastes just like sour cream! What we... Continue Reading

Eating Protein Helps Your Lose Weight

Eating protein helps you lose weight.  That’s a fact.  Protein is a powerful fat burner. That’s why it’s a fundamental food choice on the 17 Day Diet. By adding more protein to your diet, you’ll not only lose weight faster, you’ll also enjoy these benefits:... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: The 17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding is the perfect treat when you are craving chocolate. Chocolate is heavenly and is a terrible thing to miss when you are dieting. With this recipe you can have your chocolate and eat... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Spiced Edamame

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: The 17 Day Diet Spiced Edamame is one of my favorite snacks. If you’re a potato chip or other salty snack fan, this recipe is for you! Edamame is an excellent source of protein which gives you an energy boost.... Continue Reading

The 17 Day Diet Transitional Fast

I want you to lose weight fast and easily. That’s why I created the 17 Day Diet Transitional Fast. Fasting is no longer the wicked stepmother of dieting. Increasingly, it is scientifically recognized as a safe, healthy, and fast way to take off weight. Although... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Chicken Lettuce Wraps

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: The 17 Day Diet lettuce wraps are so versatile.  If you don’t like chicken you can use ground turkey, ground beef or even tuna.  They are quick and easy and make a delicious and fresh lunch you can take anywhere.... Continue Reading

5 High-Protein Foods You Need to Eat

Eating high-protein foods is the key to staying healthy and losing weight. That’s why it’s such a critical component of the 17 Day Diet. Now, I don’t want you to eat two dozen eggs or two pounds of bacon everyday – that’s certainly NOT healthy.... Continue Reading

Sesame Fish

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: You can enjoy this flavorful sesame fish dish any night of the week.  It’s fast and easy to make, and if you’re not a fan of tilapia or salmon, you can choose any fish you prefer.  It’s also a great... Continue Reading

Eggplant Parmesan

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: Eggplant Parmesan is a comfort-food that’s perfect for a weeknight meal.  You can also easily double the recipe and serve a delicious and healthy meal to guests, or enjoy leftovers for lunch! The best part – all the ingredients are... Continue Reading

She lost 50 pounds on the 17 Day Diet!

Meet Madeleine…Our Latest 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner! The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle.  The challenge gives you that extra layer of motivation and accountability... Continue Reading

Get a Grip on Holiday Stress

Is your holiday stress rearing it’s ugly head again?  I’ve always thought the concept of stress attached to the word holiday was the ultimate contradiction. Shouldn’t a holiday be simply filled with joy and celebration? Yes! But…unfortunately, there is holiday stress and much of it... Continue Reading

The Top 5 Factors of Aging Skin

Has it happened to you? Sagging skin. Thinning hair. Brittle bones. Love handles. Forgetfulness. Indescribable aches and pains. It’s hard to believe that would happen to robust, youthful you. Until it does. Proof: You’re old.... Continue Reading

Meet Stacy…our Spring Challenge Winner!

A TRUE example of what sticking to your goals can accomplish!   As many of you know, we host quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges in order to help ensure you all reach your weight loss goals! These challenges are a ton of fun for us... Continue Reading

Share Your Recipes!

I’m excited to let you know that I’m working on new support materials and a recipe book to give you more resources for your 17 day diet journey. But…I need YOUR help! If you have a favorite recipe, I’d love to hear from you.  Click the... Continue Reading

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

These two pictures of me were taken about six months apart. The picture on the left was taken in August of last year, I weighed about 210 pounds. The one on the right was taken this February, at my current weight of around 170. These... Continue Reading

The Recipe To Winning The Game of Weight Loss

One of the most appealing things about the 17 Day Diet is how truly achievable it is. It really is the most doable and most importantly sustainable program out there. The truth is, anyone can do it. The question is for those who struggle, why... Continue Reading

17 Uses & Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil appears to be the latest and greatest panacea or cure all. It’s said to have a laundry list of amazing benefits for weight loss and overall health. People are finding great new uses for it every day. When I say “new uses,” I... Continue Reading

17 Day Diet Body Breakthrough Diet Program

Some of the greatest breakthroughs in dietary history have been made over the last year, which is great news for you…because it’s now easier to trim your waistline and drop the lbs faster, and with longer lasting results than ever before!  I have a 17... Continue Reading

5 Weight Loss Tips to Help You Avoid Junk Food

Are you having trouble avoiding the urge to eat unhealthy food? Often times when you are trying to achieve your weight loss goals, the need for discipline is essential. Some people can resist the temptation to eat junk food, but if you’re not disciplined, then... Continue Reading

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Using the Buddy System

Weight loss motivation, accountability and no excuses play a big part in your weight loss efforts. Without these, all the facts and figures about carbs, protein, and fruit don’t matter. By using the buddy system and these other ways of holding yourself accountable will help... Continue Reading

How the 17 Day Diet Will Transform Your Health

How exactly will the 17 Day Diet transform your health and body? I’ve broken down the dramatic phases of change that will occur throughout this process. You’re going to be focused on your body change and on losing pounds and inches. Some days, you might... Continue Reading

Obesity in America and How You Can Make a Change

Obesity in America is something that affects two out of every three adults. Obesity in America is a complex issue that researchers are still trying to understand. Some causes can also be linked to social and environmental changes in the way we work, our levels... Continue Reading

2 MUST KNOW Supplements for Weight Loss

While you’re losing weight and exercising, your body has a heightened need for nutrition, and certain supplements provide a great backup. The two must know supplements that I’m going to teach you should be implemented to achieve your weight loss... Continue Reading

12 Holiday Party Dieting Tips

It’s the time of year when the zipper on your dress and the springs in your bathroom scale start getting really nervous. That’s because, for a lot of dieters, packing on pounds can be a holiday... Continue Reading

Bisphenol A: Should You Be Worried?

Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a key chemical compound used in the manufacturing of plastic products, specifically polycarbonate plastics. It has been used in the plastic-making process since the 1960s. It’s part of what makes these types of plastics strong and... Continue Reading

Are Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress Aging You?

There’s quite a bit of hype out there about toxins these days. You may hear reports about how toxic buildups in the body can lead to cellulite, constipation, fatigue, and even autoimmune disease. Any number of horrible illnesses and health conditions have been attributed to... Continue Reading

8 Ways to Improve Your Respiratory System Health

Watch your kids sometimes as they dash up and down stairs or dart across the playing field effortlessly. They don’t even need to stop to catch their breath! We grown-ups, on the other hand, might have to pause mid-activity as we gasp for air, breathless. What... Continue Reading

5 Ways To Keep The Weight Off

Never fool yourself into thinking you can go back to your old eating habits. It is important to hang onto your new habits and eat wisely. In my experience with patients, the following factors are essential for keeping the bulge at... Continue Reading

Stop Gaining Weight During Your Shift Work

I’m sure you’ve heard the song, “9 to 5.” It has catchy lyrics, but they don’t describe the real-life experience of about 15 million Americans. That’s how many shift workers—on duty evenings, nights, or in some rotating or otherwise irregular schedule—the U.S. Bureau of Labor... Continue Reading

Your Digestive System: Listen to Your Gut

I see a lot of digestive problems in my private practice. No surprise, considering that every year approximately 70 million adults in America suffer from tummy troubles such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, and numerous other symptoms that cause discomfort or worse. Poor digestion can... Continue Reading

Live Well: 2 Benefits of Weight Loss and Being in Shape

It’s important to understand that your weight and health are not separate issues. Being overweight is a symptom of being unhealthy. Focus on your weight and your health will improve-instantly. There are wonderful things happening inside your body that won’t be reflected on the scale... Continue Reading

Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie

Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie INGREDIENTS 1/3 cup unsweetened applesauce 2 tablespoons almond paste 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil 10 packets of Truvia ¼ cup agave nectar 1 large egg ½ teaspoon vanilla ¾ cup whole wheat flour ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon... Continue Reading

Sesame Fish

Sesame Fish INGREDIENTS 1 pound of tilapia 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons rice vinegar 2 tablespoons light soy sauce 1 tablespoon chopped garlic 2 tablespoons sesame seeds DIRECTIONS Spray a broiler pan with vegetable oil spray to prevent fish from sticking. Place tilapia. Whisk... Continue Reading

Lettuce Wraps

Lettuce WrapsINGREDIENTS 1 baked chicken breast, diced 1 scallion, diced ½ cup chopped red grapes 2 tablespoons chopped celery 1 tablespoon olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 2 to 3 Boston or iceberg lettuce leaves   DIRECTIONS Mix together all ingredients except lettuce leaf.... Continue Reading
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