How the 17 Day Diet Will Transform Your Health

How exactly will the 17 Day Diet transform your health and body? I’ve broken down the dramatic phases of change that will occur throughout this process.

You’re going to be focused on your body change and on losing pounds and inches. Some days, you might get a little discouraged if the scale doesn’t move down fast enough. But there’s absolutely nothing to be discouraged about.

The 17 Day Diet can reduce many overweight-related issues, which means that there is a wonderful body change happening inside of your body that won’t be reflected on the scale, like your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol decreasing. This is great weight loss motivation that even though you may not be able to see the body change happening you are still becoming healthier.

Your Body Change That Occurs With The 17 Day Diet

Focus on your weight and your health will improve—instantly. Consider what the results of various research studies say about the rather immediate effects of healthy nutrition on the body and use this as weight loss motivation:

After 15 minutes: After the first morning of eating a healthy breakfast, your stomach’s satiety signals have registered in your brain, and you feel full. The body’s internal chemistry is at its most active first thing in the morning, so your breakfast is then used to the maximum.

After 3 hours: Your artery linings are able to expand sufficiently to increase blood flow to the body’s tissues and organs.

After 12 hours: Your body finally has an opportunity to burn the fat it has stored for energy because you’ve eliminated sugar with The 17 Day Diet. When you’re eating a lot of sugar, your body is so busy processing the sugar that it doesn’t have time to do its other job, which is to help the body burn fat. So guess what? The fat ends up hanging around.

After 16 hours: You get a restful night’s sleep.

After 24 hours: After being on the 17 Day Diet for 24 hours you can see a body change begin to occur. You are 1 to 2 pounds lighter, because your body has begun to flush excess water and toxins from your system.

After 3 days: Once your body senses that it’s losing weight, its blood-related numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar) start traveling in a healthy direction. Know that this body change is making you healthier and use this as weight loss motivation to continue The 17 Day Diet.

After 1 week: Your cholesterol levels can drop significantly. Blood levels of important disease-fighting antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E are higher.

After 2 weeks: You’ll experience healthy drops in blood pressure if you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension. Expect to have lost up to 10 pounds by now.

After 1 month: Nobody has to filter out chunks of fast food from your blood anymore. By now, blood levels of LDL cholesterol can fall by nearly 30 percent—a drop similar to that seen with some cholesterol-lowering drugs.

After 6 weeks: You’ve been on the 17 Day Diet for 6 weeks. You’ve lost so much weight you can’t buy new, smaller clothes fast enough. Yes, you should have lost quite a bit of weight (20 pounds is not unusual), and your blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels will be substantially improved. Isn’t it great weight loss motivation to be able to get into much smaller clothes?

After 12 weeks: Continued body change. Many significant health numbers—cholesterol, triglycerides (fat in the blood), blood pressure, glucose and insulin— should begin to, if not completely, normalize.

After 6 months: You’ll feel healthier because your body will be retaining more vitamins and minerals. Because you reduced your sugar intake significantly over this period, insulin production will have normalized. Your energy levels have improved dramatically because your body has gone through a detoxing process. You’ve probably reached the goal you started with by using The 17 Day Diet.

Live Healthier

It’s pretty great weight loss motivation for what the 17 Day Diet can do, right? Don’t you want all of this? So, if you find yourself saying, “I didn’t have time to prepare healthy food,” let me ask you this: would you have found time if your life depended on it? Well, it does. Not all of the body change comes from weight loss. By losing weight you will be much healthier and live healthier as well. Try it for yourself.

Learn more about The 17 Day Diet and the body change that occurs. Live a better more healthy life by clicking HERE.

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Topics included in this article include:

17 Day Diet

Body Change

Weight Loss Motivation

  1. Hello,

    I have a question. Is it okay to use a protein powder after my weight training, it does not contain sugar and is only 124 calories. I work out three times a week with weights.I am on the Acelerate cycle. Please advise.

  2. I must say that 1 week into the 17 day diet my total cholesterol dropped from 245 to 178!!! Wow!! What a difference! I’ve been on 20 mg of Lipitor for 15 years and have never experienced such a drop. This was done without excising the 17 minutes a day as recommended in the diet. I just had to share this info.

    Also, I am curious as to how eliminating starches from my diet can impact my cholesterol so dramatically. Can you help me understand the mechanism behind this? I am a retired RN and experienced hepatitis B in the 1970s. I have been HBSAB positive since then. I’m not certain whether this history impacts my metabolism of carbs and fats.

    Thank you,
    Janet Vittorio

  3. I purchases the 17 day diet on CD. I listened to the entire thing and you kept referring to the PDFs included. Where can I get a copy of the PDFs? They were not included in the CD version.

  4. Is there a mens version of this diet or guidelines for men on the womens diet about adding to it due to size, weight etc…?

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