Meet Brooke…Our 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner!

Not Only did she WIN…She LOST 10 pounds in just 17 Days!

As many of you know, we periodically host 17 Day Diet Challenges in order to help ensure you all reach your weight loss goals! These challenges are a ton of fun for us to host and also extremely beneficial for you since it provides an extra layer of motivation and accountability.
So many of you participated in the challenge we hosted at the beginning of the year and, since there was so many amazing transformations, it was difficult to pick a winner!

But, today I am extremely excited to introduce you to our January 2018 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner, Brooke!

Despite having some struggles towards the beginning of the challenge, Brooke powered through and showed that discipline really is the key to success on this diet! She lost nearly 10 pounds during the 17 days, completed her daily and weekly tasks like a champ, and grew even more mentally.

Here’s what Brooke had to say about participating in the challenge:

I decided to take the challenge because I have reached my highest weight ever and I wanted to make a change…I needed to make a change. I have tried countless number of diets in the past and never had success with them.   In 2014 my husband and I tried the 17 day diet and it was a huge success for both of us. So I decided to go back to Dr. Mike’s 17 day diet. When I saw that Dr. Mike was having a challenge, I decided to try it out, what was there to lose (well besides the weight!).   It was very helpful and it allowed me to keep on track. Having participated in the challenge was like having a friend or partner going through this adventure with me. There were daily education videos that inspired me and helped me stay on course. It was also nice to be apart of the Facebook group. Seeing other “real” people going through the same processes, struggles, and successes that I was going through.   It was nice knowing that I wasn’t going through this alone. This challenge has helped me realize that it’s not always easy and you will have times that you fall off the wagon but if you stick with this and continue make smart choices over time it will pay off.

Dr. Mike – Thank you for creating this diet and sharing it with us.

THANK YOU, Brooke, for being such a great example of what hard work and never giving up on yourself can accomplish.

Because of the success of people like Brooke and because we love helping to be a part of you achieving your goals, we’ve decided to host another 17 Day Diet Challenge just in time for SUMMER!

This challenge will begin on Wednesday, May 9th, and end on Friday, May 25th, right before Memorial Day Weekend. If you have a goal to be more confident this summer, then this challenge is for you.

For more information on the challenge, you can visit this page here or click the banner below. Can’t wait to have you join us!


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