Staying Motivated to Lose Weight: 7 Weight Loss Motivation Tips


Your attitude about losing weight is the difference between diet success and failure. Exercise and proper diet may be required to get that slim waist you’ve always wanted, but your attitude about getting there plays a big role too.  Follow these 7 weight loss motivation tips to help keep you motivated on your journey.  

Stay Motivated! Limit Your Exposure to Guy Junk Food

Being the only one dieting in your family is a tough situation to be in. You make up your mind—no fattening foods, potato chips or chocolate ice cream in the house. No more temptations, because you’re determined to change your habits and lose weight. But from talking to patients who want to lose weight, I

The Truth About High-Fructose Corn Syrup

high fructose corn syrup- sugar substitute

High-fructose corn syrup is a potent sugar substitute made from corn starch. It’s actually twice as sweet as sugar. Manufacturers began using it as a cheap sugar substitute in the 1970s when the price of sugar shot up. High-fructose corn syrup now accounts for 40 percent of the caloric sweeteners added to foods and drinks.

Speed Up Your Weight Loss: Benefits of Drinking Coffee and Green Tea

green tea- weight loss- drinking coffee

A beverage with great weight-loss benefits is green tea. Although technically a negative water, certain natural chemicals called catechins in green tea increase fat-burning and stimulate thermogenesis, the calorie burning process that occurs as a result of digesting and metabolizing food.

Dr. Mike Diet
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