4 Summer Fitness Tips: Stay Active & Have Fun!

Summer fitness

Summer is here! We can finally catch up with family and friends, enjoy the great weather, even travel.  With so many options, it can be a tempting time of year to make unhealthy choices. But, summer fitness can actually be a whole lotta fun ! One of the biggest things you can do is to get

20 Motivational Fitness Quotes to Keep You Going

Motivational Fitness Quotes

There are two secrets to living a long-term healthy lifestyle: mindset and motivation.  These motivational fitness quotes will help you with both.   Bookmark this page, or print it out so you can have an extra boost of motivation and inspiration when you need it.  

Turn Errands Into Exercise

Turn Errands into Exercise

Yes, you really can turn errands into exercise! Everyone has a reason to avoid exercising. Maybe the weather puts a “rain delay” on our daily walk or run. That delay eventually becomes a “rain cancellation.” Perhaps the gym is closed. Or…you’re just too tired… Our subconscious mind is constantly at work, making excuses to talk

Maintaining Healthy Habits While Spending Time With People Who Don’t

A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog post on maintaining healthy habits while you’re vacationing and enjoying all the fun times summer has to offer.  It can be a challenge, but with some planning and the right mindset you can stick to the program and keep up your routine even with a hectic summertime

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

These two pictures of me were taken about six months apart. The picture on the left was taken in August of last year, I weighed about 210 pounds. The one on the right was taken this February, at my current weight of around 170. These pictures are proof that we all face challenges with weight

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