20 Motivational Fitness Quotes to Keep You Going

Motivational Fitness Quotes

There are two secrets to living a long-term healthy lifestyle: mindset and motivation.  These motivational fitness quotes will help you with both.   Bookmark this page, or print it out so you can have an extra boost of motivation and inspiration when you need it.  

Borrowed Time: The Single Most Powerful Secret to Anti-Aging


When it comes to aging, it’s not just about how many years you live; it’s about how many good years you have. It’s about the time you’re able to spend healthy, and independent, going where you want and doing what you want… You don’t want to worry about getting winded going up stairs or being

Mood Hacking: Increase Your Focus and Get More Done


Ever play that old video game snake? It’s the one where you control a snake around your screen and make it eat dots or “eggs” without running into a wall. The game gets harder the longer you play because each time the snake eats an “egg” it gets a little longer. Eventually, the snake is

17 Day Diet Infographic: Hunger Fullness Meter

Hunger Fullness Meter

I’m excited to share you with you the latest 17 Day Diet Infographic: the Hunger Fullness Meter. Why did I create this? Well, your parents probably drilled into you that you were not allowed to leave the table unless you finished everything on your plate. That was good advice when portions were smaller, and everyone

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

These two pictures of me were taken about six months apart. The picture on the left was taken in August of last year, I weighed about 210 pounds. The one on the right was taken this February, at my current weight of around 170. These pictures are proof that we all face challenges with weight

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