Don’t “Exercise” – “Move!”

So I was thinking today about the word “exercise” and to me it just starts to sound like a very unapproachable word. It sounds hard. It sounds complicated. It sounds like an uphill battle.

We all have those long days where the boss isn’t working with you, and your coworkers aren’t working. Nothing seems to go right. And then you throw the task of “exercise” on to the end your day. Now I don’t know about you guys, but that word makes me want to stop in my tracks.


“Exercise” to me sounds like work. However, the word “movement” sounds good, so were going to change the word “exercise” to the word “movement.” Move! I think the word movement is a little bit more approachable.

I like the idea of movement, not just after work, but while you’re working – at your desk, from one room to another, and from one building to another. Or maybe just a bad situation at work that made you have to walk outside the building, and take a walk to the end of the block.

Daily Routine

The bottom line is it doesn’t take much time to add some movement into your daily routine and the benefits are tremendous.  Move your desk, move outside, move when you get home, move with your colleagues, move with your partners, move with your friends.

So let’s “move” 30 minutes a day. Now I know some of you might be thinking that you don’t have the time. But you do.

Even if it’s just 3 minutes at a time, 10 times a day. Or 6 minutes, 5 times a day. Whatever it takes, I just want you to move.

So, let’s try to make our next day a little bit better by moving.

  1. I have been very successful with your diet, and in fact, feel great. I wonder if there is a plan for people who travel, staying in hotel rooms, to keep the plan going.

  2. Hi Dr. Moreno,

    My husband and I are really excited about the 17 Day Diet lifestyle!!! In April of 2011, my school did a “Biggest Loser” contest to help motivate people to lose weight because our health insurance benefits changed to include better health plan options for lower BMI’s. I had been in a bad car accident and broke my sternum and couldn’t move very well, so I was pretty sedentary. After I healed, I used it as an excuse. But, because of the contest, I really wanted to lose weight, and had tried so many things that were unsuccessful. I had seen you on Dr. Phil and thought, “Wow, that might be something that I could actually do!” So, I bought the book with the free DVD workout. My husband joined me in my weight loss effort and we both lost over 20 lbs. I’m so much healthier now and my doctor was extremely impressed with the results of my physical. It’s been awesome!!!! I have also inspired several people at work to do the diet and they have also lost weight. Thanks so much!!!!!!! You have helped me change my life!!!! Here comes my only question: “I am 56 years old and do all types of ab workouts “guarantee results.” Sorry, but they don’t. I drink lots of water and eat lots of green leafy vegetables. I’m the type of person who has skinny legs and a thicker waist, so what else can I do to lose my stomach fat?

  3. I have fibromyalgia, not as severely as some people I have met, but it causes me some peculiar problems when I do anything involving movement. One of my favorite movements is walking my dog, which we both love. I don’t feel it or can’t tell when I overdo. Overdoing for me is a lot less activity than it used to be, and a lot less than it is for normal people, not to mention my dog. It wouldn’t be so bad except that if I overdo it one day, for at least three days afterward lying in bed feels like too much effort and the recovery is soo frustratingly slow. I’ve tried to start out easy, but it feels like I haven’t done anything.

    To add to this problem, I’ve been going to a pain clinic for over ten years and have gradually built up to what I suspect is a very high level of dependence on morphine. I don’t think the clinic will be very
    helpful in getting my dependence reduced, or eliminated. I would love to get help but I’m afraid and don’t know how to handle this on my own, and do have genuine pain from the fibromyalgia. Do you have any advice
    Is there a safe schedule of morphine dose reduction I can follow on my own? How much damage does morphine do to my body over the years? I can’t take NSAIDs due tostomach problems. You are probably not the right source I shoul contacting, and I apologize for this. I just got carried awayy. I should probably call my primary care doctor, but she seemed hesitant to get involved. Who wouldn’t?

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