Is your holiday stress rearing it’s ugly head again? I’ve always thought the concept of stress attached to the word holiday was the ultimate contradiction. Shouldn’t a holiday be simply filled with joy and celebration?
But…unfortunately, there is holiday stress and much of it is self-imposed. What is supposed to be a time of joy and good cheer begins to resemble frantic preparations for a military invasion.
Along with the season’s celebrations come situations that can stress you out and make you feel draggy. And, so, you turn too food for relief. It’s no wonder you often gain weight during holidays.
With some organization and planning, you can sail through the season with your health and emotional well-being intact, and maybe even a few pounds lighter. Here are my top tips to help you:
Get a Grip on Holiday Stress!
-Plan ahead. Decide which events and activities are most important and mark your calendar accordingly. While you’re there, schedule time just for YOU too!
-Holidays are about family and friends, so spend more time with them.
-Buying presents and sending holiday cards can be overwhelming tasks. Don’t do it all at once or at the last minute. Break it down into smaller amounts of time. Write out a few cards each evening, for example.
-Shop Online. I’m a busy guy myself that’s why I avoid the mall and buy everything online. Plus you can get your presents gift-wrapped and sent directly to your friends and family!
Stress management and your overall health demand adequate sleep and this should top your priority list. The best way to ensure proper rest is to:
-Set a regular bedtime and wake-up time.
-Don’t eat too close to your bedtime. Stop eating about 2 hours before you plan to go to sleep.
-Avoid or cut down on caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco. These all disrupt sleeping patterns and make it difficult to drift off or stay asleep.
If you want to shed fat, the holidays may not be the best time to do it. There are just too many tempting goodies around. In fact, a better, more reasonable goal would be to maintain your weight and not gain any. Then, start off the New Year strong by joining my 17 Day Diet Challenge and drop 10-12 lbs. in just 17 days! For even more help setting goals, this post has tons of great info.
If, after all of your planning and commitment, you do overindulge, try not to feel guilty. Guilt only weakens your resolve to maintain healthy habits. Besides, guilt can spoil the fun of your holiday celebrations, and this is the time of year to be merry.
If you slip, so something good for yourself like exercise, meditation or make sure you next meal is a healthy one.
-Send a contribution to someone in need, volunteer at a shelter, or contribute to a charity like Toys for Tots.
-Take a few moments of each day to simply say thank you for what you have.
-Release anger, bitterness, and resentment. Be like a kid again in how you view the holidays; it will help you live with more wonder and enthusiasm.
If you take just a few pieces of my advice, I doubt you’ll have even one vision of a sugar plum or be tempted to sneak a nibble of the carolers’ figgy pudding 😉
And now for my gift to you to help you plan ahead and get a grip on your holiday stress:
Download a FREE copy of the 3-day Meal Plan.
Use it to pre-plan all your holiday meals – stress-free!

“Holidays are about family and friends, so spend more time with them”- Really agree with this one! Indeed, Holidays are for family! But, we cant avoid stress during holiday season. Thanks for these tips. Such a big help.