17 Day Diet Infographic: Hunger Fullness Meter

I’m excited to share you with you the latest 17 Day Diet Infographic: the Hunger Fullness Meter.

Why did I create this?

Well, your parents probably drilled into you that you were not allowed to leave the table unless you finished everything on your plate. That was good advice when portions were smaller, and everyone hated to waste food.

These days, most of us don’t know when we’re hungry and when we’re full. We lose the ability figure this out by the time we reach kindergarten. And it’s making us fat.

That’s the reason for the Hunger Fullness Meter.

The meter is kind of like the pain scale doctors ask you about when you are in the hospital. Basically, you rate your hunger and fullness on a scale.

This is not a new idea; there are lots of hunger scales out there. The problem with most is that they want you to rate your hunger on a scale of 0 to 10. That’s too complicated. What is the difference between a 0 or a 1, or a 9 or a 10, anyway? You’d spend so much time trying to figure out your rating that you won’t have time to eat!

I say it’s simpler to use a hunger rating from 1 to 2; and a fullness rating from 3 to 4. Here’s how mine works.

Hunger Fullness Meter 1-2

1. I’m a little hungry.
Eat now to prevent yourself from feeling tired, sick or eating something that’s not good for you.  Signs of mild hunger include slight stomach growling, mild headache, shakiness, and loss of concentration.

BUT…if you aren’t sure whether you’re actually hungry, you’re probably not. You may be confusing true hunger with boredom, fatigue, or thirst. Have a glass of water and then ask yourself if you’re still hungry.

2. I’m starving!
I’ve got to get something to eat, and fast!  I’m getting hangry!

Don’t let yourself get here. You’ll be eating a package of Twinkies and guzzling Coke like crazy.

Hunger Fullness Meter 3-4

3. I’m starting to feel full.
Stop now so that you can save on your grocery bill and your waistline.

You’ve entered that pleasant zone where you are no longer hungry but not quite full, either. Feel honorable about leaving a little room in your stomach. Try to keep yourself here at meals, never starving, never stuffed.

4. I’m so stuffed.
I’ll have to waddle over to the couch to collapse. You have eaten too much, even if it’s all on your diet.

Avoid this extreme; practice more restraint. Don’t feel obligated to clean your plate, either. Stop eating as soon as your stomach feels full. Those extra bites of food that you’re trying not to waste add unneeded calories.

As you go through your day and manage your mealtimes, ask yourself how hungry or full you are, based on my Hunger/Fullness Meter. Your goal is to listen to your body and let go of external cues, such as the clock, to tell you when, and how much, to eat.

To help you out, click here to download your very own copy of my Hunger/Fullness Meter.  Just right-click on the image when it appears and select Save Target As or Save Image As. You can print it out and take it with you, or use it as your new screensaver!

If you’re ready to take hop into Spring as a whole new you, there’s no better time to join the OFFICIAL 17 Day Diet Challenge then NOW.

For only $17, you can lose between 10-12 pounds in just 17 days.  Learn more and enroll now by clicking here or on the image below.

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