Summer Snap Pea Salad

Summer Snap Pea Salad

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: If you’re looking for something to cool you down this Summer, then Dr. Mike’s Summer Snap Pea Salad is the perfect solution! It’s bright, crisp, crunchy and oh so refreshing. And, this salad is about as simple as it can get. Chop up the veggies, mix-up the dressing and you’re

17 Day Diet Turkey Meatloaf

Turkey meatloaf

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: When you need some comfort food what is better than turkey meatloaf? The problem is that traditional meatloaf is loaded with fat and unnecessary calories, a dish that can really latch onto your hips and thighs. This healthy version of meatloaf doesn’t skimp on flavor and you can jazz it

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