Maintaining Healthy Habits While Spending Time With People Who Don’t

A couple weeks ago I wrote a blog post on maintaining healthy habits while you’re vacationing and enjoying all the fun times summer has to offer.  It can be a challenge, but with some planning and the right mindset you can stick to the program and keep up your routine even with a hectic summertime schedule.  For this post, I’d like to focus on a more specific issue you might encounter while vacationing: How do you stay committed to your healthy habits when you’re visiting family members or friends who don’t follow healthy principles?

This is an issue that comes up all the time – you’ve got the right mindset, the right diet and exercise routine, but then you’re in a social situation with people who don’t share the same healthy habits you’ve worked hard to cultivate.  It’s a tricky position to be in – you know you shouldn’t stray from your hard-earned healthy principles, but you also don’t want to be rude or make your hosts feel snubbed. How do you navigate this while still enjoying yourself and having fun?  Read on to find out.

The best solutions are mindfulness and solid planning.


By mindfulness, I mean that you need to keep your eyes open – actively think about and Healthy Habitslook for healthy options, always pay attention to what you’re doing and what you’re eating.  There are almost always healthy food options available, it just might take a little extra effort to avoid the unhealthy and push yourself toward the healthy.  Once you’ve worked to develop healthy habits, that little bit of extra effort is definitely worth it to stay on the right track. The same idea can apply to finding time to exercise.

You may have to get creative to find time and activities that will keep you active, but if you put in some effort the opportunities are always there.  And a low-impact workout like hiking or a leisurely bike ride is a great activity to share with friends or family.  You may have to change up your workout routine, of course, but that can be a good thing – it’s always nice to switch things up, and you might end up discovering some additions to your regular routine.

Solid Planning

Of course, planning ahead is important, too.  If you know you’re going to be in a sociaHealthy Habitsl situation where healthy food options won’t be available, try to eat earlier or bring a healthy snack to keep you satisfied without straying from the program.  As always, stay hydrated!  A lot of times when we feel hungry we’re actually thirsty, so drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential to making sure you don’t over-eat.  And remember to follow the program when it comes to drinking extra water with caffeine or alcohol. At the end of the day, it comes down to taking ownership of your own habits.  There are always obstacles, and it’s up to you not to turn those obstacles into excuses.  Of course you want to have a great time, but make the extra effort to stick to the program while you do it.

Be mindful, plan ahead and get creative – there are always ways to maintain your healthy principles while you have a great time with family or friends.  In the end, a little extra effort is always worth it.

An easy way for you to plan ahead is to use the 17-Day Diet Goal Setting Guide.  Click here to get your free copy.  Healthy Habits

  1. this meal plan helped me lose and maintain weight loss.

    Now that I know how to maintain weight loss, I would like to lose another 10 lbs, do you think starting over to C1 is a good way?

  2. Just wanted to say Thank you for your amazing book. Started February 1, 2017 and have lost 54 pounds to date June 28, 20017. My whole work place has started this plan and is having amazing results!

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