She lost 50 pounds on the 17 Day Diet!

Meet Madeleine…Our Latest 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner!

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle.  The challenge gives you that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need to create a new you.

I’m happy to report that our November Challenge helped over 200 people lose more than 600 pounds! It was hard to pick just one winner because there were so many amazing wins and transformations.

I’m excited to introduce you to our November 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner, Madeleine!

Madeleine lost 12 pounds and 9 inches in the challenge alone! With the 17 Day Diet she’s lost a total of 50 pounds so far!  

Here’s what Madeleine had to say about participating in the challenge:

Some in my life called me fat, I already I knew I was but wasn’t ready to do anything about it. After having a baby at 40 I never got back to the thin me. 

Three years ago I found the 17 Day Diet and I went from 200+ lbs. to less than 150. Suddenly people were saying “wow look at you”.  That was an awesome feeling.

A few months ago, I saw the pounds creep back. In October, I decided to go find the ME that I grew to like and give the 17 Day Diet another go. I wasn’t ready, my head wasn’t in it and I quit after a week.

Then I found out about the Challenge, not knowing what I was getting myself into. I didn’t pay attention to the grand prize, or have any clue there would be one. I had an entire group to help me! 

With the added support from the group it didn’t seem like a diet. I looked forward to reading everyone’s posts and sharing my feelings too. I rediscovered myself.

Thank you Dr. Mike and the 17 Day Diet team for this great experience. I have never felt better about myself! ”

Congrats, Madeleine! Thank you for being such an active member of our community and setting such a great example for the rest of us.

Because of her accomplishment, Madeleine received a $100 Amazon gift card and 1-on-1 coaching call with me where I outlined her plan for the next 3 months.  

Join us for the next 17 Day Diet Challenge!  

Get all the details and sign up here.

January 17 Day Diet Challenge

 Scroll down to see some of the other amazing transformations from the 17 Day Diet Challenge:





Get all the details and sign-up for the OFFICIAL 17 Day Diet Challenge here.

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