A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

17-Day Diet

These two pictures of me were taken about six months apart. The picture on the left was taken in August of last year, I weighed about 210 pounds. The one on the right was taken this February, at my current weight of around 170. These pictures are proof that we all face challenges with weight gain, and that we all need some help to stay on the right track.

Until I looked at these pictures next to each other it never really hit me where I was just a few months ago. It reminds me how easy it can be to get off course, and that we often develop bad habits without even realizing it’s happening. Before you know it 10 pounds can turn into 20, then 50, then 100. It can happen to anyone.

The pictures are also a reminder of how much progress I made during that six-month period. The takeaway for me is that it’s important to be mindful of those struggles, to follow the program and avoid those bad habits. One of the best ways to do that is to rely on each other for help.  We’re all working toward the same goals and facing the same challenges along the way.  We need to look to each other when things get tough. We all struggle at times – even me, as the picture on the left proves – and there’s no reason to face those struggles alone.  We have each other for support.

Support One Another

If you’re stuck in a rut or feel like you’re facing an uphill battle just remember that it happens to everyone at one time or another, and that you’ve got a support network that understands what you’re going through. Start with Cycle One and stay active! One of the great benefits of the program is that it gives you a plan to follow that will help you stay on track, to avoid those bad habits that can creep up so easily and to help you make long-lasting positive changes. Follow the program – it works.

Here’s a free 17 Day Diet 3-Day Meal Plan to get you started!

17-day diet 3-day meal plan

  1. Thanks for sharing Dr. Mike. It’s nice to know that even you who developed this wonderful program goes through the same temptations that the rest of us go through. Such incentive!

  2. I absolutely love this life style change. Dr Mike I feel so much better and I have so much energy .. Just amazing I am now down 18 pounds.. and I have at least another 40 to go I will do it..Thanks for all your support

  3. Wow Dr Mike, you are like one of us. I’ve been trying to get back on track. Hope to start this week. I will pick back up your book read your words of encouragements.

  4. Amazing job of getting back on track. It’s helpful when you can relate and you are so right 10 pounds can easily turn into 20 and so on. I swore to myself that I was going to lose 40 pounds last summer well here I am, and now it is more like 50 pounds. I have two of your books and the last time I lost 12 pounds in 17 days, more energy and felt so healthy. know how hard it is to get back on track and so easy to get derailed.

    Thanks for sharing!


  5. This is AWESOME!!! The perfect reminder that Dr Mike — our 17DD Guru — struggles just like we do! Thank you, thank you — and BIG kudos to Dr Mike!

  6. Dr. Mike, I can’t say thank you enough! I have a very long story and can’t explain it all in this message. But, I can tell you that I really do believe your program has saved my life. I am a head and neck cancer survivor, but, have had to endure many side effects as a result of the radiation and chemo treatments. I basically went from a once active and exciting lifestyle to one that was sedentary and dull. I was even being told to take it easy; walk on egg shells; and, don’t do anything too strenuous. However, since I started your program on January 2, 2017, I have been able to manage my health and regain control of my life. I have now lost about 45lbs; changed all of my blood chemistry drastically; and, have even walked about 300 miles. I plan on continuing the program and will even reach my goal of 625 miles by the end of the year. So, thank you to infinity……… Steve B

  7. HI I picked up your book at the library and I thought I can do this. So I’ve been on it for 1 week and lost 8 lbs! I am so excited. I really want to keep it off. I feel so healthy and I have more energy. I’m actually eating more throughout the day. I am so thrilled. Thank you so much

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