Air Fryer Recipes – 17 Day Diet Approved!

Air Fryer

An air fryer is one of the best gadgets out there to help you stay on track and live the 17 Day Diet lifestyle. In fact, it’s a great tool to have during the the OFFICIAL 17 Day Diet Challenge.  You’ll save time on meal prep and cooking, plus your whole family will enjoy these

Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie | 17 Day Diet Recipes

Dr. Mike's Power Cookie

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: Dr. Mike’s Power Cookies are one of the most popular recipes in the 17 Day Diet lifestyle. They are so versatile that you can have them for breakfast, dessert or a snack – your choice! The best part? You can customize Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie and make it your own.

5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Metabolism


Metabolism is how your body changes the nutrients in the food and drink you consume into energy. And energy is essential for your body to function on every level. As you get older, your metabolism slows down. So, you want to do everything you can to fuel its fires and keep it going strong. The

Get Support for Your Healthy Lifestyle


Did you know that it’s easier to stick with a weight loss plan when you have support and accountability?  It’s true and research backs it up. Studies have shown that people who started on diet programs that have a social component were far more likely to keep their weight off than going it alone. There

She inspired others & lost over 12 inches too!

17 day diet cycle two challenge winner

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The challenge provides that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need in order to fully commit and stay inspired.  Our 17 Day Diet Cycle Two Challenge helped over

She lost 14 pounds in 17 Days!

17 Day Diet Challenge Winner

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The challenge provides that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need in order to fully commit and stay inspired.  Our August Cycle One Challenge helped over 150 people

She Lost 7.5 pounds and 4 inches in 17 Days

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The challenge provides that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need in order to fully commit and stay inspired.  Our May Challenge helped over 100 people to lose

She lost 50 pounds on the 17 Day Diet!

17 Day Diet Challenge Winner

Meet Madeleine…Our Latest 17 Day Diet Challenge Winner! The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle.  The challenge gives you that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need to create a new you. I’m happy to

Dr. Mike Diet
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