5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Metabolism


Metabolism is how your body changes the nutrients in the food and drink you consume into energy. And energy is essential for your body to function on every level. As you get older, your metabolism slows down. So, you want to do everything you can to fuel its fires and keep it going strong. The

Trim the Fat with Lean Proteins

Lean Proteins

Eating more lean proteins will help you trim the fat – literally. I think one of the biggest problems with living a healthy lifestyle these days is that there are so many restrictions. For many of us, our lives revolve around food. We share our day around the dinner table, we dine out to celebrate

Eating Protein Helps Your Lose Weight

Eating protein

Eating protein helps you lose weight.  That’s a fact.  Protein is a powerful fat burner. That’s why it’s a fundamental food choice on the 17 Day Diet. By adding more protein to your diet, you’ll not only lose weight faster, you’ll also enjoy these benefits: 1. Digesting protein takes more energy (calories) than digesting carbs

3 Superfoods for Faster Weight Loss

The key to losing fat and achieving your ideal weight is to eat the types of foods that will work to store health-building nutrients and increase your metabolism. There are three superfoods you can incorporate into your diet to achieve a faster and easier weight loss than without consuming them at all. Here they are:

Dr. Mike Diet
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