17 Day Diet Yogurt Cheese Dip

17 day diet yogurt cheese dip

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: This easy to make 17 day diet yogurt cheese dip can be enjoyed as a tangy snack with vegetables or in Cycles 2-4 as a topping for baked potatoes. It’s completely fat-free and tastes just like sour cream! What we really like is that you can make this a savory

Eating Protein Helps Your Lose Weight

Eating protein

Eating protein helps you lose weight.  That’s a fact.  Protein is a powerful fat burner. That’s why it’s a fundamental food choice on the 17 Day Diet. By adding more protein to your diet, you’ll not only lose weight faster, you’ll also enjoy these benefits: 1. Digesting protein takes more energy (calories) than digesting carbs

17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding

17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: The 17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding is the perfect treat when you are craving chocolate. Chocolate is heavenly and is a terrible thing to miss when you are dieting. With this recipe you can have your chocolate and eat it too. 😉 You can make this pudding as spicy

5 High-Protein Foods You Need to Eat

High-Protein Foods

Eating high-protein foods is the key to staying healthy and losing weight. That’s why it’s such a critical component of the 17 Day Diet. Now, I don’t want you to eat two dozen eggs or two pounds of bacon everyday – that’s certainly NOT healthy. But, I do want you to get all the fat-burning

Sesame Fish

Sesame Fish

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: You can enjoy this flavorful sesame fish dish any night of the week.  It’s fast and easy to make, and if you’re not a fan of tilapia or salmon, you can choose any fish you prefer.  It’s also a great dish that you can add your own spin to just

Eggplant Parmesan

Eggplant Parmesan

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: Eggplant Parmesan is a comfort-food that’s perfect for a weeknight meal.  You can also easily double the recipe and serve a delicious and healthy meal to guests, or enjoy leftovers for lunch! The best part – all the ingredients are approved for any Cycle of the 17 Day Diet! NOTES:

Get a Grip on Holiday Stress

holiday stress

Is your holiday stress rearing it’s ugly head again?  I’ve always thought the concept of stress attached to the word holiday was the ultimate contradiction. Shouldn’t a holiday be simply filled with joy and celebration? Yes! But…unfortunately, there is holiday stress and much of it is self-imposed. What is supposed to be a time of

Obesity in America and How You Can Make a Change


Obesity in America is something that affects two out of every three adults. Obesity in America is a complex issue that researchers are still trying to understand. Some causes can also be linked to social and environmental changes in the way we work, our levels of physical activity and healthy eating. These factors are the

Dr. Mike Diet
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