3 Highly Effective Stress Relieving Tools to Use Right Now


Stress is everywhere. In fact, we are living through an exceptionally stressful time. As a working doctor, I know I’m feeling the pinch, and there’s a good chance you are too. Unfortunately, in times of stress, a lot of us turn to familiar vices like unhealthy eating, or over-drinking to cope. That’s why today I’m

4 Summer Fitness Tips: Stay Active & Have Fun!

Summer fitness

Summer is here! We can finally catch up with family and friends, enjoy the great weather, even travel.  With so many options, it can be a tempting time of year to make unhealthy choices. But, summer fitness can actually be a whole lotta fun ! One of the biggest things you can do is to get

Benefits of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Drinking Water

Drinking water is one of the simplest and easiest ways to boost your weight loss and improve your overall health and well-being. And, I bet that right now, your body is thirsty! In fact, did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? See, that’s the biggest problem with water, few people actually think

20 Motivational Fitness Quotes to Keep You Going

Motivational Fitness Quotes

There are two secrets to living a long-term healthy lifestyle: mindset and motivation.  These motivational fitness quotes will help you with both.   Bookmark this page, or print it out so you can have an extra boost of motivation and inspiration when you need it.  

Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie | 17 Day Diet Recipes

Dr. Mike's Power Cookie

WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE: Dr. Mike’s Power Cookies are one of the most popular recipes in the 17 Day Diet lifestyle. They are so versatile that you can have them for breakfast, dessert or a snack – your choice! The best part? You can customize Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie and make it your own.

Trim the Fat with Lean Proteins

Lean Proteins

Eating more lean proteins will help you trim the fat – literally. I think one of the biggest problems with living a healthy lifestyle these days is that there are so many restrictions. For many of us, our lives revolve around food. We share our day around the dinner table, we dine out to celebrate

Discover Your Healthy Habits Blocker

Healthy Habits Blocker

Do you know what your Healthy Habits Blocker is? It’s that one “thing” that stops you from living a long-term, healthy lifestyle. There are three main “blockers” that could be holding you back from living the life you deserve. Healthy Habits Blocker Types #1: Yourself You keep telling yourself “this week” or “this month” is where

Get Support for Your Healthy Lifestyle


Did you know that it’s easier to stick with a weight loss plan when you have support and accountability?  It’s true and research backs it up. Studies have shown that people who started on diet programs that have a social component were far more likely to keep their weight off than going it alone. There

Turn Errands Into Exercise

Turn Errands into Exercise

Yes, you really can turn errands into exercise! Everyone has a reason to avoid exercising. Maybe the weather puts a “rain delay” on our daily walk or run. That delay eventually becomes a “rain cancellation.” Perhaps the gym is closed. Or…you’re just too tired… Our subconscious mind is constantly at work, making excuses to talk

Journal Your Way to Healthy Habits


Journaling can make a BIG difference in helping you develop healthy habits. I share this advice all the time, because it works! If you’re wondering why the scale stopped moving or if you’ve found yourself struggling to develop and actually maintain healthier habits… Start Journaling.  Journaling helps you identify patterns about your habits, your health, and

Borrowed Time: The Single Most Powerful Secret to Anti-Aging


When it comes to aging, it’s not just about how many years you live; it’s about how many good years you have. It’s about the time you’re able to spend healthy, and independent, going where you want and doing what you want… You don’t want to worry about getting winded going up stairs or being

Dr. Mike Diet
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