When To Eat on the 17 Day Diet?

When to Eat

You are WHEN you eat. Let me explain… When I was a resident, I developed some bad eating habits, such as eating out of boxes and having lunch whenever I could grab it, like at four in the afternoon or even midnight. Now, I’ve learned that eating too late in the day makes losing weight

5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Metabolism


Metabolism is how your body changes the nutrients in the food and drink you consume into energy. And energy is essential for your body to function on every level. As you get older, your metabolism slows down. So, you want to do everything you can to fuel its fires and keep it going strong. The

Turn Errands Into Exercise

Turn Errands into Exercise

Yes, you really can turn errands into exercise! Everyone has a reason to avoid exercising. Maybe the weather puts a “rain delay” on our daily walk or run. That delay eventually becomes a “rain cancellation.” Perhaps the gym is closed. Or…you’re just too tired… Our subconscious mind is constantly at work, making excuses to talk

17 Ways to Maximize the Health Benefits of Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and Veggies

One of the biggest challenges in sticking with a diet and achieving the best results possible is that things can get redundant. The easiest and most effective “secret” to overcoming this is to load your diet with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. When you’re meal prepping, even if you’re doing a great job it

She lost 14 pounds in 17 Days!

17 Day Diet Challenge Winner

The quarterly 17 Day Diet Challenges are the best and most fun way to reach your weight loss goals! It’s not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle. The challenge provides that extra layer of motivation and accountability you need in order to fully commit and stay inspired.  Our August Cycle One Challenge helped over 150 people

Am I Too Old to Lose Weight? 7 Tips for Successful Weight Loss After 40

losing weight after 40

It’s no secret that weight gets harder to manage as we age. Metabolism, muscle mass, and natural hormonal changes play a big part in women’s weight loss after 40. Many women feel that no matter how hard they exercise and how diligent they are about controlling what they eat, losing weight after 40 is an

Dr. Mike Diet
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