Digestive Problems Solved on the 17 Day Diet

digestive problems

I see a lot of digestive problems in my private practice. No surprise, considering that every year approximately 70 million adults in America suffer from tummy troubles such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, and numerous other symptoms that cause discomfort or worse. This is serious because poor digestion can also be at the root of

Maintain A Healthy Weight And Support Your Immune System

When your immune system goes on the fritz, you’re susceptible to three things: infections, autoimmune disease, and cancer (not to mention just being cranky because nobody likes being sick!). To understand why, and learn how to protect yourself, let me show you how immune cells work. Once you get the lay of the land, my

The Top 5 Factors of Aging Skin

Has it happened to you? Sagging skin. Thinning hair. Brittle bones. Love handles. Forgetfulness. Indescribable aches and pains. It’s hard to believe that would happen to robust, youthful you. Until it does. Proof: You’re old. Ick.

Dr. Mike Diet
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