Benefits of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Drinking Water

Drinking water is one of the simplest and easiest ways to boost your weight loss and improve your overall health and well-being. And, I bet that right now, your body is thirsty! In fact, did you know that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated? See, that’s the biggest problem with water, few people actually think

Get Support for Your Healthy Lifestyle


Did you know that it’s easier to stick with a weight loss plan when you have support and accountability?  It’s true and research backs it up. Studies have shown that people who started on diet programs that have a social component were far more likely to keep their weight off than going it alone. There

Reduce Your Belly Fat With These Amazing Fat Burning Foods

I’m going to go through some rather controversial territory here: spot reduction and fat burning foods. For your entire dieting life, you’ve probably heard that you can’t spot reduce, right? Well, it turns out that the statement that there’s no such thing as spot reduction isn’t entirely true. You can focus on reducing your belly

Accountability is Your Free Personal Trainer

Here’s a quick thought that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. We’d all love to be able to afford a personal trainer, but, let’s face it, times are tough. Personal trainers are expensive. One of the things that we can do on our own, free of charge, is to create our own personal

Dr. Mike Diet
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