Why You’re Not Losing Weight

losing weight

Wonder why you’re not losing weight? I read a survey recently that said that two out of five people who diet regularly quit within the first seven days. One out of five last a month, and 20% make it to the 3 month mark. Wow… 80% is a huge number! 80% of people don’t follow

Digestive Problems Solved on the 17 Day Diet

digestive problems

I see a lot of digestive problems in my private practice. No surprise, considering that every year approximately 70 million adults in America suffer from tummy troubles such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, and numerous other symptoms that cause discomfort or worse. This is serious because poor digestion can also be at the root of

Curb the Carbs with the 17 Day Diet

Curb the carbs

Is it time for you to curb the carbs? Yes and no. Don’t ditch them altogether, just eat the right ones. Remember, carbohydrates are energy foods. Without them, you’ll get fuzzy headed, cranky, and very tired, and no one will want to be around you. 🙁 Low carb diets say that all carbs are evil and

Eating Protein Helps Your Lose Weight

Eating protein

Eating protein helps you lose weight.  That’s a fact.  Protein is a powerful fat burner. That’s why it’s a fundamental food choice on the 17 Day Diet. By adding more protein to your diet, you’ll not only lose weight faster, you’ll also enjoy these benefits: 1. Digesting protein takes more energy (calories) than digesting carbs

The 17 Day Diet Transitional Fast

17 Day Diet Transitional Fast

I want you to lose weight fast and easily. That’s why I created the 17 Day Diet Transitional Fast. Fasting is no longer the wicked stepmother of dieting. Increasingly, it is scientifically recognized as a safe, healthy, and fast way to take off weight. Although fasting has been around for centuries, new ways of fasting

5 High-Protein Foods You Need to Eat

High-Protein Foods

Eating high-protein foods is the key to staying healthy and losing weight. That’s why it’s such a critical component of the 17 Day Diet. Now, I don’t want you to eat two dozen eggs or two pounds of bacon everyday – that’s certainly NOT healthy. But, I do want you to get all the fat-burning

Get a Grip on Holiday Stress

holiday stress

Is your holiday stress rearing it’s ugly head again?  I’ve always thought the concept of stress attached to the word holiday was the ultimate contradiction. Shouldn’t a holiday be simply filled with joy and celebration? Yes! But…unfortunately, there is holiday stress and much of it is self-imposed. What is supposed to be a time of

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

These two pictures of me were taken about six months apart. The picture on the left was taken in August of last year, I weighed about 210 pounds. The one on the right was taken this February, at my current weight of around 170. These pictures are proof that we all face challenges with weight

Am I Too Old to Lose Weight? 7 Tips for Successful Weight Loss After 40

losing weight after 40

It’s no secret that weight gets harder to manage as we age. Metabolism, muscle mass, and natural hormonal changes play a big part in women’s weight loss after 40. Many women feel that no matter how hard they exercise and how diligent they are about controlling what they eat, losing weight after 40 is an

Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Using the Buddy System

buddy system weight loss motivation no excuses

Weight loss motivation, accountability and no excuses play a big part in your weight loss efforts. Without these, all the facts and figures about carbs, protein, and fruit don’t matter. By using the buddy system and these other ways of holding yourself accountable will help you to acheive your weight loss goals.

Good Carbohydrates and Foods That Burn Fat

Good Carbohydrates-Polyunsaturated Fats- Foods that burn fat

Carbohydrates are energy foods. Without them, you’d get fuzzy headed, cranky and very tired, and no one will want to be around you. The low-carb diet craze deemed all carbs evil and fattening. People abandoned all forms of fruit, rice, and pasta and ate mostly protein. The problem is, you can only eat so much

Dr. Mike Diet
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