17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding


The 17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding is the perfect treat when you are craving chocolate. Chocolate is heavenly and is a terrible thing to miss when you are dieting. With this recipe you can have your chocolate and eat it too. 😉

You can make this pudding as spicy or mild as you like. This little bit of cayenne won’t make it overly spicy so try it as written first, you may just be surprised. Plus, cayenne actually helps boost your metabolism, so you don’t want to miss out on losing more weight while eating chocolate!


You can enjoy this healthy snack/dessert on the Activate, Achieve and Arrive Cycles – Cycles 2-4.

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17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding
This "spicy" pudding is made with high-protein, super nutritious tofu. If you think you don't like tofu - get over it! Tofu actually takes on whatever flavor is paired with it - including chocolate - yum!
17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding
Course Dessert, Snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Passive Time 30 minutes for chilling
Course Dessert, Snack
Prep Time 5 minutes
Passive Time 30 minutes for chilling
17 Day Diet Mexican Chocolate Pudding
  1. Please all the ingredients in a large food processor.
  2. Cover and process until smooth, about 1 minute, scraping down the inside of the bowl at least once.
  3. Divide into four ramekins or small bowls.
  4. You can serve immediately or chill for 30 minutes - depending on the temperature you prefer.
Recipe Notes


*Add more/less of the cayenne pepper based on your preference

*Make sure you use cocoa powder, NOT hot cocoa mix.

*It's important to use silken extra-firm tofu.  A popular brand is Mori-Nu and they sell it in shelf-stable packages so no refrigeration is needed.

*This is a very thick pudding, so please use a food processor, a blender will not be able to mix this pudding.

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